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Trading with stationary battery storage on the power exchange

21 July 2023

Bild Quelle: Volkswagen Group und Elli starten Stromhandel an der europäischen Energiebörse | Volkswagen Newsroom (

Successful pilot project at Elli (Volkswagen Group) with portfolio management from KISTERS
Together with Elli (a brand of the Volkswagen Group), we are pleased that Elli can now participate in intraday trading on Europe’s largest power exchange, EPEX Spot, and market electricity from battery storage there. A pilot project to utilise the growing storage capacities of e-cars and batteries in the energy system!

KISTERS-PFM as a strong basis
The position and schedule management in this powerful solution runs on the KISTERS portfolio management system, which has already been in use at Elli for several years. As stationary battery storage, 28 battery systems and 34 cell modules from e-cars are used. An intelligent platform for trading, controlling and optimising batteries automatically places bids on the exchange. The trading results are translated into a schedule and the battery is automatically charged or discharged. This not only generates trading revenue, but also enables better use of renewable energies.

KISTERS portfolio management runs in the background of the central platform and takes care of the processes in short-term trading and reporting. In addition, it plays an essential role in position management in interaction with Elli’s optimisation system and AlgoTrader, and it ensures the correct transfer of time series in schedule management. The integration of the new peripheral systems required for the project was very simple thanks to clearly defined interfaces. The introduction of the entire system including the new processes took only a few weeks.

Many thanks to Elli for the great cooperation.

You can find more information on LinkedIn at KISTERS Energie and in the Elli press release (German).

Image source: Elli (a brand of the Volkswagen Group)


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