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New KISTERS solution for energy suppliers to implement dynamic tariffs

29 July 2024

The time has come for dynamic pricing.

Image: The BelVis+ customer portal of the Aachen-based IT service provider KISTERS AG supports energy suppliers in implementing the legal requirements for dynamic tariffs (according to §41a German Energy Industry Act EnWG). (Source: KISTERS)

Press release: Aachen, 29 July 2024.

Dynamic tariffs are designed to encourage consumers to save energy and manage their energy consumption. From 1 January 2025, Section 41a of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG) requires all electricity suppliers in Germany to offer their customers a dynamic tariff for electricity as a commodity – this obligation already applies to larger energy suppliers with more than 100,000 end customers. This allows customers to adjust their consumption to the fluctuating prices on the spot, day-ahead and intraday markets. Customers with high-consumption and controllable loads, such as heat pumps, stationary battery storage systems and electric vehicles, can particularly benefit from this.

With the BelVis+ customer portal from Aachen-based IT service provider KISTERS AG, energy suppliers are implementing the legal requirements for dynamic tariffs. The portal shows consumers their individual energy prices, costs and consumption data in their web browser. The follow-up processes resulting from dynamic tariffs at the energy supplier, such as effects on forecasts, risk assessment and procurement, are fully integrated. The KISTERS offering also includes billing preparation, so that utilities do not need to upgrade their consumption billing systems for dynamic tariffs. Thanks to an innovative pricing model, the customer portal is available without a high initial investment.

The BelVis+ customer portal is the basis for helping customers to save money in the future through automated control in the home and for switching and controlling heat pumps, wallboxes and other technical and controllable resources.

Planning and cost control

The portal can also be used to display other types of tariffs for intelligent metering systems and provides customers with a direct and clear view of their supply and demand volumes. Extensive options for comparing consumption and prices, as well as customised forecasts, help customers with planning, cost control and a general understanding of their energy consumption.

Flexible operation at the EVU

The portal is available as a SaaS solution for use in the security-certified KISTERScloud and as an on-premise installation on request. It can be used in all common browsers and is optimised for clear visualisation and easy operation on mobile devices. It can be integrated into existing customer portals with single sign-on and runs stand-alone, too.

Further information on the BelVis+ customer portal Dynamic tariffs

Brochure - BelVis+ customer portal Dynamic tariff

Product brochure

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Contact: Torsten Koopmann


Making greater use of renewable energies, advancing the energy transition, mitigating the effects of climate change – that is our passion and our motivation. As a pioneer for the intelligent use of renewable energies, we develop digital solutions with more than 750 employees to help us use our planet’s resources more responsibly. Our portfolio for the energy industry includes tried-and-tested software for energy data and portfolio management, metering and metering point operation, energy trading and sales, forecasting, virtual power plants and smart grids/control technology. More than 750 companies from the energy sector and industry rely on KISTERS software.


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