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WAUplusCM - Software for Occupational safety

Central occupational safety management system for all requirements

Plus points for your business

As a central occupational Health & Safety Management system, WAUplusCM provides fundamental compliance relating to occupational health and safety and environmental protection. The software creates optimal conditions for the reliable and legal handling of economic efficiency, sustainability and social responsibility.

The modular system comprises components for occupational safety, hazardous material management, hazardous goods management, waste management, and occupational accident handling, which you can configure step by step as part of a holistic solution for all your occupational and environmental management. Achieve full transparency into your processes and documentation based on well-structured data, ultimately saving you time and money.

Solution benefits



The user interface is intuitive, keeping the training time for users to a minimum.



The software is structured by functions, so that interactive elements are easy to find.



Various roles and assigned rights allow the customisation of specific employee functions and tasks.



The occupational safety documentation follows standardised processes and workflows for full transparency.


Automated Archiving

Retention requirements are met seamlessly without adding to your workload.



The solution’s modular structure means you get exactly the functions you need, and since WAUplusCM is completely scalable, the system will effortlessly grow with your business.


  • Hazardous Material Management

    Brown glass bottles with red hazardous substance labels indicating harmful chemicals.

    Hazardous Material Management

    The Hazardous Materials Management module lets you create handling instructions with ease, while at the same time complying with your obligatory maintenance of the Hazardous Substance Register, as your relevant hazardous material information is centrally managed based on safety data sheets. Hazard assessments with regard to the handling of hazardous materials are done in accordance with the Simple Actions Concept for Hazardous Materials (like German EMKG). Additionally, a change service will update relevant documents in case of changes in the properties of hazardous materials. You can opt to either maintain the data manually or have the hazardous material data populated automatically.

  • Occupational Safety Management

    Warning signs for flammable, acid and volatile substances on storage tanks of a chemical industrial plant.

    Occupational Safety Management

    The occupational safety management system includes the creation of operating instructions in compliance with various legal regulations. The integrated template function with a range of preconfigured phrases for the most common use cases will make your daily tasks a whole lot easier. You document your hazard assessment in compliance with applicable regulations by adding the verified hazard potential and the measures put in place to minimise the risk. Alternatively, you can delegate this task to an appropriate colleague.

  • Accident Management

    Yellow warning sign ‘Caution, danger of slipping!’ on the floor during cleaning work.

    Accident Management

    The module supports internal accident reporting and records and processes the required accident data for reporting to the employers’ liability insurance association. Reporting is based on the accident report template, making the maintenance of a first-aid book and a record of ‘near misses’ obsolete. The captured accident data additionally facilitates analyses for your internal reporting, and the definition of measures to minimise accident risks.

  • Digital Training

    A female hand types on the keyboard of a laptop.

    Digital Training

    The Instruction Manager module assists you in the instruction of employees, visitors, or external individuals. The time and effort you have to put into legally required training measures, including scheduling management, hosting the actual training, performance assessments, and reports is significantly reduced.

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Dr. Stefan Woiwod

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