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Sicherheitsinspektion eines Gefahrguttransportes mit Tankwaggons auf der Bahnstrecke.


Our software for your dangerous goods transport data management. TRANSEC helps you with all information on dangerous goods and, among other things, the creation of transport documents for all modes of transport – from road (ADR) and rail (RID) to air (IATA DGR) and sea (IMDG). The KISTERS dangerous goods database is a reliable source of information for the complete and correct application of dangerous goods regulations.

With our comprehensive software solution for your dangerous goods management, you can transport your dangerous goods safely and in compliance with the law – regardless of whether you are a dangerous goods officer, shipper, carrier or driver.

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Why choose TRANSEC?

  • Highest data quality of the KISTERS dangerous goods database
  • High degree of legal certainty
  • Always up-to-date, legally compliant data
  • Full legal texts
  • All-in-one for all modes of transport
  • Flexibly customisable
  • Modular with many configuration options
  • Integration into existing IT environment
  • Proven in practice
  • Multilingual
  • Time and cost savings
Luftaufnahme eines großen Transportschiffs mit Treibstofftanks im Hafen, umgeben von einem weiteren Frachtschiff und einer Hafenanlage.

Anyone who wants to transport dangerous goods needs ...

  • Reliable and up-to-date legal information
  • Time-consuming research into dangerous goods regulations and special regulations and packaging regulations
  • Transport-relevant dangerous goods data
  • Transport documents, labelling, checklists
  • Resources for extensive checks of dangerous goods classes, classification codes, dangerous goods labels, cargo units, packaging, vehicle equipment, tunnel code, quantity balance according to ADR and much more

TRANSEC helps you ...

  • by focussing on transport-relevant requirements and regulations
  • through detailed, complete and up-to-date dangerous goods data – in the KISTERScloud
  • using an API customised to your requirements for integration into product databases
  • through complete and reliable dangerous goods information
  • with the creation of correct documents, such as transport documents and tried-and-tested control checklists
  • with faster implementation of the specifications
  • through worldwide use and multilingualism
  • with informative overviews and balance sheets
  • with many other transport-related tasks
Book your demo now
Tanker truck with hazardous goods labelling driving on a city motorway with skyscrapers in the background.

Dangerous goods database: Customised to your requirements.

The scope of data can be defined and the data can be freely combined and customised to the respective application areas and customer systems. Optional extensions to the solution using modern interfaces enable the KISTERS dangerous goods data to be used in a complementary and standardised way, for example in different booking systems.

Our cloud-based dangerous goods data can be easily integrated into your existing IT landscape and product databases via interfaces. Thanks to the modularity and many configuration options, you get exactly the customised solution you need – today and for the future.

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Luftaufnahme eines großen Transportschiffs mit Treibstofftanks im Hafen, umgeben von einem weiteren Frachtschiff und einer Hafenanlage.

TRANSEC in action.

Read here in the success story how DB Schenker AG, as a global logistics company, gives its dispatchers worldwide access to complete and up-to-date dangerous goods information for all modes of transport.

Read success story (German)

Learn more about TRANSEC.

For more information on how our TRANSEC solution can make your day-to-day work easier and how it can save you time and money, click here.

SoCaL WAUplus

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We use our many years of expertise in the areas of occupational health and safety, environmental protection and instruction management to offer you a wide range of solutions.

Contact us and find out how you can benefit from our solutions.

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Our sales team in 

Marcus Lempert

Dr. Marcus Lempert

Optimise your dangerous goods transports.

Do you always want complete and up-to-date dangerous goods data for all modes of transport as well as complete and reliable information on cross-modal dangerous goods transport?

Arrange a consultation

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