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et article: District heating system 2040: Comparing transformation paths economically

17 November 2023

The transformation of an existing district heating system to climate-neutral generation by 2040 presents many operators with technical and economic hurdles. How much and where do they need to invest in the expansion of district heating in order to achieve the targets – and which investments are less effective? In every district heating system, there are countless possibilities (transformation paths) for achieving the climate targets.

Iqony Fernwärme GmbH uses the model-based optimisation solution BelVis ResOpt to answer the question of the economic viability of these transformation paths. Such mathematical optimisation systems, which are already used by almost all operators for daily resource planning, are a good basis for justifying and securing the necessary high investments.

Detailed article in the et

In the trade magazine “energiewirtschaftliche tagesfragen” (et), Andreas Sokol (Iqony) and Dominik Funken (KISTERS) show how Iqony proceeded to find economically and ecologically sensible expansion options, how the KISTERS optimisation solution BelVis ResOpt provided support and what key insights for a successful transformation were gained from this project.

Read the article (pdf, German)

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